What a Nightmare!!!

Happy Bill!

Definitely happier times now! Not sure if anyone noticed, but I haven’t posted anything since April 14th, over three weeks ago. Don’t worry it’s nothing life or death that held me back, it’s just nightmare computer, hosting change and WordPress issues.

I was getting ready to put another post up for everyone late in the week of the 19th when I received an email form my old host warning me I had almost reached my monthly quota for traffic. I was close to 90%, which meant with this particular host I would incur extra expense if I went over. This was a good and a bad thing.

The good is my traffic, my readers, my showing up in Google search results has all been exploding for the last couple of months. The bad, since I had never hit the quota before, I had no idea what the costs to go over would be.

So I had a tough choice, no posts or transfer to a new hosting company. OK, maybe it wasn’t that hard a choice as I had been planning on it for a while, I just didn’t have the time currently to get it done. So my option was to refrain from any posts.

I finally had a chance to do the transfer May 1st, and had nothing but nightmares. I could get the main site up, http://www.housez.ca, but the blog wouldn’t show up,then when I found out the problem there, the database which controls all the information wouldn’t work. It has taken me the last week of research, talking to support people and tinkering to get back up.

So here is my first post from the new host, within the first half hour of being back up and alive! I’ve saved up some rants, some thoughts on the market and some views on some future trends for you, but you may not see them for another week as next week is completely hectic for me, but I may try and surprise you, so stay tuned!

For those of you wondering, I have moved my site to Bluehost which is where we currently have several other sites running as well. The great part is no more quotas, which means I can really work at ramping up traffic, I will have the ability to add a ton more features to make the blog and website run better and possibly more efficiently and I just have to find more time!

If you want to check out one of the other sites we have running on Bluehost right now, go visit http://www.31daystodeclutter.com. It’s a project that has been keeping my wife and our household quite busy! And yes, that is a picture of me above with my new longer hair look, it’s probably just a mid-life crisis thing, but I am having fun with it.

About admin

Bill has been investing in Calgary Real Estate since 2003 and has been writing about various Real Estate topics since shortly after he started. With a significant amount of Real Estate transactions and experiences he is able to pass his knowledge on to other investors and partners, and now you through his Real Estate blog. To automatically receive new posts, be sure to sign up on the top right of this page and I will send you a free ebook on Screening Tenants.
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1 Response to What a Nightmare!!!

  1. Colleen says:

    thanks for the update Bill.. love the long hair – go Bill go……. we have to talk NZ sometime.. but remember,,, its 30 something years since Ilived there…. was that your real estate friend’s wife who passed away recently??


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