Did You Miss It?

OK, so I made it through May, now if I can only get through June. It seems to be one thing after another. Catching up on postponed maintenance issues, couple of vacancies popping up, some troubles with shared accommodation tenants, my weekly newspaper articles, the revolving door lately with weekly tenants and my monthly newsletters. Ooops, hold on, there wasn’t a monthly newsletter in May!!


It’s true, but I don’t think anyone noticed, did you? I was in my fifth year of sending a newsletter out each and every month. I hadn’t missed one month, sure I cut it very close to the end of the month many a time, but I had never missed a month before. It was a grand total of 52 total issues straight, but I don’t think I have it in me for another 52.


That’s part of the problem, the newsletter takes a big portion of my time each month to prepare. Sure I can borrow from my weekly articles, but perhaps I need to revisit why I am doing this.


Part of the reason has been to share knowledge, hopefully many of you have learned and been educated by my various topics. Part of the reason is to provide guidance and mentorship to people about motivation, setting goals and even a little bit about your own self improvement. It’s also been a vehicle to attract potential investors who may wish to take advantage of our experience and knowledge to provide themselves with some pretty darn good returns.


As I reflect on these various reasons it becomes apparent that I can still continue to fulfill these reasons, but without having to do a monthly newsletter, I can just continue blogging away, but I need to have a more consistent effort with my postings.  Perhaps it involves making sure I post something every week, some insights as to what is happening in the market, a great book I believe everyone should read, or even the weekly rantings of a busy landlord, but something.


So for at least the summer, the newsletters are done, perhaps once fall comes around I may have a change of heart, but I may instead relish all the free time I have created and I can fill it with handyman work!

About admin

Bill has been investing in Calgary Real Estate since 2003 and has been writing about various Real Estate topics since shortly after he started. With a significant amount of Real Estate transactions and experiences he is able to pass his knowledge on to other investors and partners, and now you through his Real Estate blog. To automatically receive new posts, be sure to sign up on the top right of this page and I will send you a free ebook on Screening Tenants.
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1 Response to Did You Miss It?

  1. Tyrone says:

    I enjoy the letters. If they are too time consuming maybe just put one out whenever you feel there is something you’d like to say. Maybe a few times a year. Then you can just type it up without wondering what you are going to say.

    Remember to take some time to enjoy life.

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